Sustainable Finance Framework

sustainable finance framework

We aim to be a responsible bank that supports sustainable development. We recognise that banks have a critical role to play in the energy transition and in making a positive impact. We want to drive this change and create long-term value for all stakeholders and future generations. We believe in sustainable social and economic development, which we aim to promote. 

Bank Pekao, as a major investor in sustainable bonds issued by Polish borrowers, has demonstrated its commitment to the sustainable finance market in Poland. By establishing the Sustainable Finance Framework, we want to emphasise the importance of financing the transition in Poland and our commitment to its results.

The Sustainable Finance Framework defines the eligibility of the investments covered by the proceeds of the EMTN bonds issued by Bank Pekao. In order to ensure full transparency, it also describes the process of project selection, management of proceeds and allocation, and impact reporting.

The document is aligned with the June 2021 version (with June 2022 update) of the Green Bond Principles, the June 2023 version of the Social Bond Principles and the June 2021 version of the Sustainability Bond Guidelines, all published by the International Capital Market Association, as well as the February 2023 version of the Green Loan Principles and the February 2023 version of the Social Loan Principles published by the Loan Markets Association. On 17 October 2023 it received a positive SPO published by Sustainalytics.

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Sustainable Finance Framework
Bank Pekao Sustainable Finance Framework Second-Party Opinion (2023)