Climate and environment

Strategic approach to environmental issues

Pursuing the adopted ESG Strategy we are involved in the energy and ecological transformation of Poland as well as environmental protection, in accordance with the principles of the European Green Deal. 
finansowanie projektów zrównoważonych
We arrange financing for new sustainable projects
usprawnienia proekologiczne
We introduce pro-ecological improvements in Bank's locations
less waste
We reduce the consumption of raw materials and focus on less-waste

Carbon footprint calculation. Towards climate neutrality

In 2021, Bank Pekao Group' greenhouse gas emissions were calculated for the first time. Calculations were performed in accordance with the GHG Protocol methodology, with setting 2020 as a base year. In 2022, the Pekao Group's greenhouse gas emissions in scope 1 and 2 as part of the PZU Group's emissions were subject to verification by an independent entity. 

Verification statement

scope 1
Direct emissions arising from facilities owned or supervised by the Group
scope 2
Indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heat and cooling
ślad węglowy zakres 3
Value chain emissions - calculation in 2023

GHG Scope Unit Data coverage (%) Base year 2020 2021 2022
Scope 1 t eCO2 100 6 798 8 104 8 687
Scope 2 (location-based) t eCO2 100 65 184 64 153 38 762
Scope 2 (market-based) t eCO2 100 59 026 57 320 37 142
cele redukcyjne
Setting reduction targets
energia z OZE
Increasing the share of renewable energy sources in purchased energy
podróże służbowe
Rationalization of business trips and fleet modernisation
usprawnienia proekologiczne
Pro-ecological improvement in Bank's locations
działania offsetujące
Introduction of offsetting activities
Budynek eko
Moving Bank's headquarters to modern and energy efficient building

Our Bank supports environmentally-friendly projects and takes into consideration ESG issues in the process of analyzing credit risk.

łagodzenie zmian klimatycznych
We supports customers and green projects aimed at mitigating climate change, reducing environmental pollution
ograniczenie finansowania górnictwa węglowego
No financing for new coal and lignite mining projects, and new energy projects based on coal and lignite
wycofanie finansowania działalności stwarzających zagrożenie dla środowiska
As regards material threat to the natural environment, the Bank does not finance some types of activities

Environmental impact

In its day-to-day operations, Bank Pekao is guided by a desire to reduce its negative impact on the climate and a pro-environmental attitude. 

ograniczanie mocy umownych
Optimization of power consumption (reduction of so-called ordered capacity)
technologia oświetlenia energooszczędnego LED
Implementation of LED technologies in Bank's locations
zielone certyfikaty
Purchasing the electricity certified with guarantees of origin (100% RES)
rezygnacja z wysokoemisyjnych pojazdów
Limiting the number of high-emission car fleet
nowe samochody spełniające najnowsze formy emisji spalin
Successively replacing fleet with models characterized by lower emissions
nowe pojazdy elektryczne
Purchasing electric and hybryd vehicles
komunikacja drogą internetową
Focusing on digitization and electronic documents
rezygnacja z papierowej korespondencji
Popularizing the paperless concept among customers
Dedicated website
odpowiednia utylizacja
Specialistic utilization of documentation, IT, hardware, furniture and A/V devices
karta kredytowa z plastiku z recyklingu
Offering credit cards made of recycled plastic
polityka oszczędności
Paper and office supplies saving internal policies

Supporting the green transformation

Under Pillar 1. Iin its ESG Strategy, the Bank committed to actively support the transformation of the Polish energy sector and the coal regions most negatively affected by the transformation as part of a just transition. The Bank continues to pursue sustainable financing activities including green and social projects and supports the issuance of ESG bonds of its customers.

farmy wiatrowe
Onshore and offshore wind farms
Biogas plants, recycling centres
transport kolejowy
Railway/intermodal transport
niskoemisyjny transport
Low-emission transport
budownictwo ekologiczne
Ecological construction
kredyty oparte o ESG lub SDG
ESG-linked or SDG-commited loans
projekty samorządowe
Local government projects
infrastruktura szpitalna i ochrona zdrowia
Health service infrastucture
budownictwo komunalne
Municipal construction
infrastruktura i tabor komunikacyjny
Infrastructure and transportation
obiekty kulturalne, sportowe i rekreacyjne
Cultural, sports and recreational facilities
infrastruktura wodno-kanalizacyjna i utylizacja odpadów
Water and sewage infrastructure and waste disposal
Heating and cogeneration
Wind energy

Financing of a 9.6 MW wind farm in Wielkopolska. The Bank will grant up to 100% lending to the investment tranche and the VAT tranche, up to PLN 95.5 million and up to PLN 5 million, respectively. Project implemented by a special purpose vehicle established by ZE PAK S.A.

Urban transport

Consortium financing in the amount of PLN 496 million, on the modernization and construction of track infrastructure in the Silesian Agglomeration and for the purchase of local tram fleet and specialized rail vehicles